Thread subject: :: Embryos mass
Hey dipterists
In a low stream river, amid deciduous trees, embryo masses
the sample is still alive . There was a few Tipulidae, Empididae and some Chironomids
Could they be Diptera embryo ? Nematocera?
They have, capsul head, "eyes" spots and seem to have "hooks" or crochets
I put here a few pictures
Thanks for the attention
The egg mass is reminiscent of some Ceratopogonidae.
Thank you Mr Irwin
The eggs hatched and surprise ...
You guess?
pictures and video will follow
Just 10 seconds before hatching
This is a future
Dixa nebulosa larva
pictures and video of birth will follow
If this is ceratopogonidae then it must be dasyhelea
Do you mean that dasyhelea egg clutches are similar to those of Dixa nebulosa ?
No. I'm not saying this. If the larva hatch and they appear to be ceratopogonidae, than this would be dasyhelea. I have no experience with eggs, except but my girlfriend😊
in the sixth and seventh photo I can clearly see hooks, which Dixidae larvae do not have in their anal segment.
Dasyhelea eggs are distinctive, bent into a semicircle, unlike the photo here showing a bent larva within a convex egg.
Surely the hooks in the photos are on the prolegs on abdominal segments 1 & 2? Typical Dixidae.