Thread subject: :: Preying on cicada
Posted by
Isidro on 24-06-2007 12:35
Yesterday at Pe?aflor, Aragon, Spain, into a pine (Pinus halepensis) repoblation forest, between fields (mature wheat fields), this big (maybe 30 mm or some more) robberfly arrives with a recently hunted cicada.
Mediterranean robberflies are difficul, as I see, but maybe can be identified. The ID of the cicada will be also very welcome if it's possible.
There is the wing venation
There is the face
Thanks. Regards
Edited by
Isidro on 24-06-2007 12:36
Posted by
Isidro on 28-06-2007 07:40
Any answer?
Edited by
Isidro on 28-06-2007 07:41
Posted by
Kahis on 28-06-2007 09:25
I am hardly an expert in this group, but the very long ovipositor and the bent postocular hairs reming me of
Posted by
Isidro on 28-06-2007 13:26
Thanks Kahis!!! You are the best!
Now, I will wait if anyone is sure of the genus and even if anyone can suppose a species...
Posted by
Isidro on 28-06-2007 13:28
Oh, I forget this:
I have the list of all animals and plants of Monegros region, where is photographed this robberfly. No Neoitamus in the list, but this list can be incomplete.
The list includes next species:
Antiphrisson trifarius
Asilus barbarus
Dioctra gagates
Holopogon venustus
Lasiopogon montanus
Leptogaster subtilis
Loewinella virescens
Machimus pilipes
Neomochtherus pallipes
Stichopogon scaliger
I think that this isn't a species of
Neoitamus. There are two other genera, which have bigger species, in the Mediterranean region:
Astochia and
Promachus. Unfortunately, there are no records from Spain from both.
Promachus is widely distributed (also on the Canary Islands), but unknown to Spain. Usually, robber flies are common and therefore you have to collect some specimens and send them to a specialist. The fauna of the Iberian peninsula is insufficient revised. Yours
Posted by
Isidro on 01-07-2007 22:59
Thanks Dysmachus!
If the best expert in robberflies don't know it... well, it's impossible...
I've seen giant Promachus (I think) in Taiwan, I posted here but novody knew it.
?Anyone of my list can be this one?
Posted by
Isidro on 08-09-2008 13:55
Identified as Neoitamus sp. as a sure diagnostic by Miguel Carles-Tolr?. Only cited in Spain N. cyanurus and N. socius. Which of the two is it?