Thread subject: :: 5015901 E. arbustrum?

Posted by robirdman on 26-09-2005 22:30


Posted by Paul Beuk on 27-09-2005 07:33

A species of Eristalis but I leave it to Gerard to be more precise (if he can). Smile

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 27-09-2005 10:13

No, I can't.
But I can say this is not Eristalis arbustorum. Although I cannot see the face (which would give a clear answer) I think this is more like E. dimidiata.
It is more shiny and the yellow spots on the abdomen are very different from the usual 'hour glass' figure on the abdomen of a male of Eristalis arbustorum.

Posted by robirdman on 27-09-2005 22:18

Thanks, Gerard.
This was in the same area as others that you thought were E. dimidiata. I thought the white bands and tan spot was wider than those, but relied on a likely faulty memory to call it arbustrum instead of comparing it with them.