Ukraine, Donetsk region, on 27 July.
Is it true I determined that this picture depicts Eristalis tenax?
Posted by
Sundew on 05-11-2016 00:49
There are some important characters for
E. tenax, a large honey-bee mimic: arista is nearly bare, tarsi are dark, eyes have vertical stripes of hairs (well seen in
http://img.fotoco...eight=1080), black facial stripe is wide, hind tibia is distinctly enlarged and curved.
Here we see a stout habitus (size?), dark tarsi, and a bare arista, and there seem to be hair bands on the eyes. So
E. tenax is quite probable, but the sum of characters is not well documented in just one picture...
Edited by
Sundew on 05-11-2016 00:49
There is another photograph seen her wide dark stripe front, but rear legs shin nothing to say.
As always, thank you for the detailed explanation, Sundew !
Will correctly sign: Eristalis cf. tenax?