Thread subject: :: larva

Posted by Rui Andrade on 06-08-2007 02:21

I found this larva and I hope you can help me identify it.
Thank you

locality: Montesinho, Portugal
date: 2007/08/04

Edited by Rui Andrade on 12-11-2007 18:58

Posted by jhstuke on 29-08-2007 20:00

It is a Syrphid larvae.


Posted by Rui Andrade on 31-08-2007 14:03

Thank youSmile

Posted by Andre on 31-08-2007 14:13

Hi Rui,
Is it still alive?! Please try to rear it! And make good pictures please. Also preserve everything, so also the cocoon after the fly emerged.
I am very interested in all background info on this finding (see pm as well!)
Greetings, Andr

Posted by Rui Andrade on 31-08-2007 18:08

Sorry Andre, I don?t have the larva with me. Usually I don't keep the insects I see. But if you want I can catch syrphids for you (but killing them is another story).