I think that this larva is a
Chironomus sp. plumosus group, due to the presence of lateral tubular gills at the end of the 10th abdominal segment (and not only on the 11th). Is it correct ? Is it possible to go further in the ID ?
Hello Kristobal21
Well, it is possible, but for that you/I need at least a detailed photo of the head in ventral and dorsal view. The colorpattern is diagnostic but also the size of the ventromental plates and the number of striae on them. The size of the headcapsule (width, length) is also necessary. In my opinion identification to species level cannot be done from this photo as it is difficult enough. I have a key for the Dutch species in larval stage, but I'm not sure if this will help you. The Webb & Scholl papers are a bit out-dated as well as the name plumosus-group. Could you also mention something about the location (country, watertype)? Nevertheless, it seems as if the lateral tubules are also relatively long which occurs very often in C. luridus agg. and Chironomus (Camptochironomus).