Thread subject: :: Puparium of parasitoid fly

Posted by HDumas on 17-02-2017 18:10


This puparium was found still attached to the remains of a caterpillar inside its silky cocoon weaved between leaves of Dimorphotheca sp:
7 mm; ii.2017; La Ciotat (France 13)

The "posterior spiracular process" (is it right?):

Unfortunatly the puparium was already open and empty so I didn't see the imago.
Is Cyclorrhapha right?
Is an identification of its family possible?

Edited by HDumas on 17-02-2017 18:18

Posted by HDumas on 05-03-2017 12:31

Using Greene, C. T. (1922). illustrated synopsis of the puparia of 100 muscoid flies (Diptera), the closest I get to is Plagia americana Van der Wulp.
I suspect the host to be Autographa gamma (Noctuidae).

- Plagia americana Van der Wulp is a synonym of Voria ruralis (Fallen, 1810) which is the valid name now; right?
- What do you think about this hypothesis?

Edited by HDumas on 05-03-2017 12:53