Thread subject: :: Eriozona erratica?

Posted by Juergen Peters on 03-10-2005 23:54


I know this is not the first time I ask here about this species, but with every new individual I'm not sure again :-/.
This photo I took yesterday, Oct-03, here in Ostwestfalen/Germany. The fly was about the size of a Syrphus ribesii (perhaps slightly larger), but it did not behave like one. It only visited every blossom for a very short time, making it very difficult to photograph.

Edited by Juergen Peters on 03-10-2005 23:55

Posted by Andre on 04-10-2005 11:55

Your assumption is correct.
Eriozona erratica, also known as Megasyrphus annulipes or Didea annulipes (to make it easy).

Posted by Juergen Peters on 05-10-2005 00:21

Hello, Andre!

Andre wrote:
Your assumption is correct.
Eriozona erratica, also known as Megasyrphus annulipes or Didea annulipes (to make it easy).

Thanks! There are still more hits in Google for Megasyrphus annulipes and M. erraticus, but Eriozona erratica is the most current name if I am correct?

Posted by Andre on 05-10-2005 15:28

In diesem moment wahrscheinlich schon! Ist mir wirklich egal, eigentlich... Wink

Posted by Paul Beuk on 06-10-2005 07:41

Andre, please, keep it in English. Not all of us here understand German. Smile