Thread subject: :: Unknown syrphidae

Posted by Alvesgaspar on 30-08-2007 12:45

I still have much trouble in identifying syrphidae. Is this a Helophilus sp. ? Thank you for the help.

Joaquim Gaspar

Posted by conopid on 30-08-2007 15:15

Looks like Xanthogramma species

Edited by conopid on 30-08-2007 15:19

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 30-08-2007 15:33

there are lots of flies in this moment like this.
It seems really a Xanthogramma, perhaps X. pedissequum..

Posted by Alvesgaspar on 30-08-2007 16:26

Thank you for your help. After all it isn't easy at all Cool

Joaquim Gaspar