Thread subject: :: Syrphida-colour Phoridae?
Moscow city, on window, 07 okt, 1,5mm.
Posted by
Kahis on 08-10-2005 10:17
It's not a phorid but a chloropid of genus
Thaumatomyia. Given the time and place it could well be
T. notata, a species that sometimes appear inside dwellings in large numbers (presumably they are looking for overwintering sites).
Thank you Kahis. Realy it doesn't look like Phoridas I've seen, but I couldn't find any cross vein.
Occasionly I found the image of Chloropidae which looks like mine.
Name of genus is not very unpredictable - Chlorops sp.
Couple dosen species...
I'm sorry, Thaumatomyia looks like mine fly too.
Than Kahis was right. I'm sorry.
The size alone would rule out