Thread subject: :: ID Unknown pupa from a Spanish stream
Hope you can help me to ID this pupa,
Some more pictures
amellado wrote:
Hope you can help me to ID this pupa,
Strange pupa, but I think this would be some species of Chironomidae. My first idea was perhaps Boreoheptagyia pupa, but not sure though. Do you happen to have or provide us, with a detailed photo of the anal segment(s) in dorsal view?
Thank you Atylotus!, here is a microscope pic of the anal segments,
no Boreoheptagyia but closer to Buchonomyia. I have added a picture from the pupa taken from Seather in Wiederholm (1986) to show the similarity.
Dear Atylotus,
Thank you very much. Yes, it seems to be
Buchonomyia, based on the figures and description, interesting record!!