Thread subject: :: Helophilus trivittatus??

Posted by Iolaire on 05-09-2007 09:32

Hi everybody,

The Helophilus species have always been a bit of a problem for me. The differences are far from significant and three species are quite common in the area where I life.

Two pictures: I think both are Helophilus trivittatus.

Can anyone give confirmation or suggestions?

Photo 1:

Photo 2:


Posted by amalia_raluca on 06-09-2007 07:32

H. trivittatus indeed.

Best wishes,

Posted by Andre on 06-09-2007 15:30

Hi... I reccommend that you buy the "Zweefvliegentabel" of the Jeugdbondsuitgeverij ( This is a good help to teach you to identify Syrphidae in the field. Good luck!
Another good thing is to join the "Sectie Diptera" of the NEV (

Posted by Iolaire on 06-09-2007 16:00

Hi Andre,

Thanks for the recommendations. I've already bought several books on Syrphidae, including a "zweefvliegentabel" and a very comprehensive English book. Lots to look into but I don't always have the time! Most queries I post when at work (during coffeebreaks) Grin The books I leave at home. I study them whenever I can, but with a little girl running around the house it's only in the later hours of the evening (and night) I can find the time for this. But let's say I'm working on it!! Until then I'm gratefull to be able to post questions on this or other forums. One day I hope to be able to give (100%) answers to other peoples questions on the subject(s)!

Thanks again! I'll certainly take a look at that site you mentioned!