Thread subject: :: Muscidae pupae
I found the pupae of a Muscidae but I can't make a precise identification.
Anyone can help me ?
Thanks in advance
Another view of this diptera
It might help to know where you found it (country, habitat & substrate).
Oh yes sorry I forgot. It comes from Mongolia in the western part next to the Altaï. It's a colleague who find it so I don't have much more information.
If we had a clearer view of the hind spiracles, we might get an answer, but I'm not very hopeful!
The specimens are in really bad shape so the spiracles aren't really seeable. But I tried a zoom, I know that the identifcation will be very difficult maybe impossible
The best I can suggest is Stomoxyinae (but I am doubtful).
Okay, I understand, thank you for your time and your respond !