Thread subject: :: Eristalinus sepulchralis? E. aeneus m
This was found on 7th Apr 2018, Elbe River Floodplain, on Gagea lutea; size about 11 mm.
Is it Eristalinus sepulchralis?
best wishes, Jann
Many thanks for confirmation and detailed information. The eyes look separated indeed.
I think we see the eyes just touching in the first photo, towards the front of the head.
Also we don't see the stripes on the thorax typical of sepulchralis, so I vote for Eristalinus aeneus.
Hello Chris,
indeed, in the first photo it looks as if the eyes are touching, in the second photo I thought to see slightly seperated eyes. But I'm absolutely sure it is the same individual.
So I'll follow your vote
I looked at the gallery the day after posting here and i see a photo of a male sepulchralis. the eyes are very separated, so this
aeneus. I didn't know a photo existed in the gallery before. I've never found a male in three years. I always find females. I have no idea why this is so. anyway, i agree with aeneus. the eyes are not separated.