Posted by
Iolaire on 25-09-2007 11:56
I found this leafmine on a Cornus (porbably C. alba) in my garden last week.
I'm guessing it's Phytomyza agromyzina.
Can someone confirm, please?
Thanks very much!
EDIT: I'm sorry, I guess this one should've been posted on the forum for eggs, larvae, etc?
Edited by
Iolaire on 25-09-2007 12:13
Members will never be allowed to move their own posts to other forums. It would only work if there is just the single post in a thread because administration-wise 'ordinary' members cannot be allowed to move other member's post. If a thread needs to be moved, just send a PM to me. (I do not read all threads
so a request in the thread itself may escape my attention.)
Posted by
Iolaire on 25-09-2007 14:17
Thank you both for the info on moving threads. Paul, thank you for moving the thread!
But can one of you (or anyone else) say anything about the miner (Phytomyza?)
Again cheers!