Thread subject: :: Eristalis?

Posted by blowave on 29-09-2007 15:24

Hi, this looks like Eristalis to me, but I'm not even going to try to guess which species. I have only the back view but one front tarsi is just visible. Something about the back legs seems to be telliing me it doesn't fit Eristalis.

Location: Lincoln UK

Date: 16th September 2007.

Habitat: Garden, on Hydrangea leaf, sandy soil.

Thank you for any help. Smile

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 29-09-2007 16:55

Eristalis tenax.

Posted by blowave on 29-09-2007 17:47

Gee, and I thought it was something very different! I know not a lot. Shock

Thanks Stephane! Grin