Thread subject: :: Syrphus?

Posted by Isidro on 29-09-2007 16:16

Last Sunday at La Alfranca, Aragon, Spain. 200 meters high. Habitat: prairie near river, with many river stones, dominated by Foeniculum vulgare and Glycirrhiza glabra, Tamarix and Populus nigra. Size: about 8-9 mm. The fly was always flying very near the soil.

What species can be?
Thanks Wink

Posted by Kahis on 29-09-2007 16:24

Eupeodes (corollae)

Posted by Isidro on 29-09-2007 21:36

Ohhhh Sad (I have already a pic of corollae...)

I sa slightly bigger than the last exeplar of Eupeodes corollae that I've seen, but...
