Thread subject: :: Mycetophilid pupae from bird nest-box?
Collected from bird nest-box occupied by Great Tit. Could it be Mycetophilidae?
Mycetophilidae do not form a puparium, pupating outside of the last larval exuvia. As a result, legs, wings, and head sheaths are distinct. The pupae you have photographed here belong to a family of Calyptratae or Acalyptratae.
Oh, shame
Thanks for explanations and suggestions.
I found probably the same one, this time in tree hole. Is there something new that makes this pupae possible to determine to the family level?
Seeing these, I am reminded of Heleomyzidae. What size are they?
All pupae fall between 4,5-5,5 mm.
Hopefully you will be able to rear some adults, or find a puparium with an adult ready to emerge. Usually the male genitalia are well formed at that stage, and can be used to identify the species.
I managed to rear one:
Looks like a
Tephrochlamys species