Thread subject: :: some eristalis to classify

Posted by Robert Zoralski on 03-10-2007 22:08

I have some Eristalis I did not classified yet.
You can see them here:
Link has been changed

I think the first picture could be E.pertinax (triangular abdonmen, yellow foot, wings darker in median part) but the others I cannot classify (probably pictures 4-7 are E.tenax).

Could you help me with classification?

Best Regards
Robert Zoralski

Edited by Robert Zoralski on 14-10-2007 16:48

Posted by Alvesgaspar on 03-10-2007 23:40

#4 and 7 seem to be E. arbustorum, not tenax.

Joaquim Gaspar

Edited by Alvesgaspar on 03-10-2007 23:40

Posted by Paul Beuk on 04-10-2007 06:53

Please put the pictures in the thread rather than provide a link only.