Thread subject: :: Australian syrphid
Last week I was in Melbourne, Australia, for work. Happily enough I could find some spare time to look around. Although I found it quite poor in insects, I saw some interesting things, like this hoverfly. Has anyone an idea which it might be?
Size: medium, about typical Syrphus.
Habitat: recently burned area with rather low Eucalyptus trees. I'll attach a habitat photograph.
The fly was sitting on burned wood from the 'tree' in the forground.
Hello Cor,
I'm quite sure it's a species of Mesembrius, but in Australia there are several candidates: bengalensis, hilaris and ruficauda.
As I don't know what these look like, it's as far as I can go!
Posted by
Maddin on 23-10-2007 22:43
That is a great fly! I think it is not a Mesembrius, I have the species identified in my collection, but I can not find it right now.. I will look again for it...
Hello Martin,
Well, interesting. I recalled the name from a picture of a similar looking syrphid that I found a while ago (unfortunately I can't find it anymore
) on the net which was presented as probable Mesembrius sp..
My own idea was something like Tropidia sp. or something close, but I don't know whether a genus like Tropidia is present in Australia!
Curious to hear what it is....
Greetings, Gerard
Posted by
Kahis on 24-10-2007 11:42
My first though was
Blera, but I am hardly the man to talk with about Australian syrphidae
Posted by
Maddin on 29-10-2007 03:02
ok with the help of my Aussi-friend Shaun Winterton, I got the name straight (at least I think so): Orthoprosopa grisea (Walker, 1835)
Walker described it as Helophilus, although it belongs closer to Tropida, just another name he messed up... I hope I did not mess this one up, but this is at least my last thought to the southern beauty (ok I know it is a male...)
Thanks very much for the effort! I'll submit it to the gallery under this name.
Posted by
Andre on 29-10-2007 14:00
Maddin wrote:
I hope I did not mess this one up, but this is at least my last thought to the southern beauty (ok I know it is a male...)
What's wrong with coming out of the closet?
I am very pleased to see an ID for this one - I am sending the link to my family in Australia so they can keep an eye out for it. I agree, it is a beauty and I'm glad you are submitting it to the gallery.
Posted by
Maddin on 30-10-2007 18:23
Andre wrote:
Maddin wrote:
I hope I did not mess this one up, but this is at least my last thought to the southern beauty (ok I know it is a male...)
What's wrong with coming out of the closet?
Nothing wrong with that! I just did not want anybody to think I would not be able to determine the gender of that fly
For the other stuff people might think about me... not that important