Hi all,
I have an unidentified
Schema (Ephydridae) but both keys I have seem to contradict each other on how to identify the two European species in this genus (Drake 2006 and Stuke 2010). In both references are made to Becker (1926) so I would like to see what Becker writes on it. For this reason I would be interested to know if someone has a digital copy of it, especially of the pages and/or the figures that describe
Schema durrenbergensis and
Schema acrosticale:
Becker, T. 1926. 56a Ephydridae und 56b Canaceidae. In E. Lindner (Ed.)
Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region 6(1), 1-115, 134 figs.
Thanks a lot!
Does anybody has this part for me too?
Becker, T. 1926. 56a Ephydridae und 56b Canaceidae. In E. Lindner (Ed.) Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region 6(1), 1-115, 134 figs.
Thanks in advance!