Thread subject: :: Eristalis sp.

Posted by Isidro on 31-10-2007 13:48

October 2007, Movera, Aragon, Spain. 200 meters, continental-mediterranean climate. Habitat: near buildings, fields (Medicago sativa) and gardens, also small pine (Pinus halepensis) patch. In Euryops pectinatus flowers, with a high number of Stomorrhina lunata sucking the same flowers. Size: about 9-10 mm (slightly lesser than E. tenax, bigger than E. arbustorum)


Posted by amalia_raluca on 31-10-2007 18:30

Eristalis arbustorum?!

Posted by Isidro on 01-11-2007 10:16

Thanks... You are sure? I looks different to the males E. arbustorum that I've seen, bigger and different in colour.

Posted by amalia_raluca on 01-11-2007 15:17

E. arbustorum has not a black stripe on the face, being entirely whitish and as far I can see your fly has this character....