Thread subject: :: Syritta ?pipiens?

Posted by jokin on 04-11-2007 22:28

Looks like Syritta sp but ?S.pipiens? white face & drawing confusing me
Cartagena south of Spain.23/09/2007

How many species of syritta is there in Europe???

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 04-11-2007 22:36

maybe Syritta pipiens...

Posted by Andre on 04-11-2007 23:01

No! Shock This is Eumerus, copula! Did you catch them?

But about your question: two species in Spain (pipiens and flaviventris), three in Europe (third one, vittata, only in far eastern part if I am correct).

Edited by Andre on 04-11-2007 23:01

Posted by Andre on 04-11-2007 23:02

Looks a bit like Eumerus pusilla... but impossible to confirm by a picture.

Posted by Maddin on 06-11-2007 02:30

Andre wrote:
No! Shock This is Eumerus, copula! Did you catch them?

But about your question: two species in Spain (pipiens and flaviventris), three in Europe (third one, vittata, only in far eastern part if I am correct).

To be a bit more specific: pipiens is all over the place, most common one and introduced in the New World (where it is very common). flaviventris in the mediterranean, (als new to the US) and then the more central Asian vittata, but in Israel and Egypt you can find fasciata (=subtilis) (which has nearly no visible false vein) and latitarsata (which has a "flat" hind tarsus).
Although Lyneborg and Barkemeyer did a good job with their Syritta book, there are still more species out there (maybe not in Europe).. I got at least 3 species which I can not ID with the book...

Edited by Maddin on 06-11-2007 02:32

Posted by crex on 06-11-2007 07:33

Maddin wrote:
... I got at least 3 species which I can not ID with the book...

Syritta hauseri, Syritta martini & Syritta maddini? Grin

Edited by crex on 06-11-2007 07:35

Posted by Andre on 06-11-2007 10:07

No Syritta ecki? Sad

Posted by Maddin on 06-11-2007 19:56

crex wrote:
Maddin wrote:
... I got at least 3 species which I can not ID with the book...

Syritta hauseri, Syritta martini & Syritta maddini? Grin

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