I collected this one in summer, from The Valley Sirinia, Iron Gates Natural Park. It looks very strange to me this Xanthogramma (my first though was X. pedissequum) looking to the yellow markings, which are atypical: the equilateral yellow triangles on the tergite 2 are not so equilateral
and the yellow markings of the others tergites are more extensive. I read in Stubbs&Falk about X. p. var. flavipleura but I don't have any other information about.What do you think?
Thanks Amalia
Posted by
Andre on 14-11-2007 13:28
Identification should be possible with Bradescu
Bradescu, V. (1991) Les Syrphides de Roumanie (Diptera, Syrphidae), Cl?s de d?termination et r?partition. Trav.Mus.Hist. nat. Grigore Antipa, 31: 7-83.