Thread subject: :: Stripe-eyed Fly
Posted by
aleix on 16-11-2005 22:26
Haven't been able to find this one at the gallery. Photographed by Narc?s Rubio at Girona, in NE Catalonia on 30-10-05.
I guess it must be easy with such disctinctive eyes! Any idea?
Thx in advance,
Aleix Comas
Posted by
lynkos on 17-11-2005 08:10
Uffa, I've got here late. That was one I could actually have answered!!! Sarah
Posted by
lynkos on 17-11-2005 08:12
While on the subject. I would be really like some of my identified pics to be included in the gallery to help others looking for an ID. What is the situation with the gallery? How does it actualy work? Sarah
Posted by
aleix on 17-11-2005 09:06
Thanks very much!
I could only look at the galley because I didn't know its name!
The gallery is something I have to manage and I will have to do that when I find time. Until the new version of the gallery come (it has been in preparation for ages, but the developer has too little time) it will not be possible to let others add images. Moreover, I would like to host the gallery images on another server and that will require additional tweaking for which I will need some expert help. So, if you will allow your images to be used in the gallery, please let me know, and I may feed some in gradually.
You may add any of my photos I submit if you consider them useful. So add my name to your list of those willing for their photos to be used.
Gordon Jar wrote:
You may add any of my photos I submit if you consider them useful. So add my name to your list of those willing for their photos to be used.
Noted! Thanks!
Posted by
lynkos on 17-11-2005 16:28
Paul, if it's easier for you I can send you copies of my ID-ed flies in whatever size and format you like so you have them on hand when you need them. Just let me know, I'd be really happy to lend a hand. A small way I can thank you all for your never-ending willingness to help, Sarah
Much appreciated, Sarah! Sizes of any file in the Diptera Gallery are jpg images maximum 400*400 pixels (generally w*h = 400*300 or 300*400), resolution 72 dpi, no borders/frames. Compression as high as possible but so that image quality on computer screen is not affected.
Any other volunteers? (Arthopa and Nikita were already on my list.
Posted by
lynkos on 17-11-2005 19:50
OK. Don't promise it'll be tomorrow, but as soon as work permits I'll take a browse through the archives and see what I can find. It's great to know I can contribute something other than my appalling ignorance
, Sarah
LoL, your ignorance is not appalling. At most charming.
Posted by
lynkos on 21-11-2005 07:17
Paul, I have sent you some photos for the gallery. Let me know if they do/do not arrive!
I received them. your first image is fed into the Diptera Gllery (Milichiidae).