Thread subject: :: Xylophagus ? Xylophagus (cf.) cinctus
Found this under pine bark March 19 in Telemark, Norway. Aprox. 24 mm.
Looks OK for
Xylophagus, and seems to fit
cinctus quite well.
Thank you so much, Tony! I read a little cf. out of what you write - or is it an expert's way of telling what species it is ...?
Posted by
Zeegers on 22-03-2021 18:22
Whyu cinctus ? That is a pine species.
@theo: larvae was collected on pine
Posted by
Zeegers on 22-03-2021 20:07
My brain red Betula.
Yes, there is a little cf. ringing in my head. It has all the characters for a
cinctus larva, as given in Stubbs and Drake (British Soldierflies), but AFAIK the larva of
junki is unknown, and I'm not sure which other species might occur in Norway.
Posted by
Zeegers on 23-03-2021 12:15
4 or 5 Xylophagus species occur in Norway - including X. junki.
Hi Morten
Krivosheina & Mamayev (1972) Ent Rev wash. 51, 258-267 provide an illustrated key to the larvae of the Palearctic Xylophagus species. Your photos seem to fit well with X. cinctus. I ca send you a scan of the relevant pages if you require.
- but as Tony says - the larvae of X. junki has not been described
Thank you, Iain!
It would have been nice to have an illustrated key to the larvae of the Palearctic Xylophagus species. You have my email.