Thread subject: :: Gray Muscids with partially reddish legs
Three male
Phaonias (?) from today in our garden/at our house (Ostwestfalen/Germany). All the same species? Thanks in advance!
The middle one's got the
Phaonia bristle.
Hello, Susan!
Susan R Walter wrote:
The middle one's got the Phaonia bristle.
Thanks! Not the first time I have read here about the "
Phaonia bristle", but still I'm not sure where to look for it...
. I have no such specialized literature to look into, so please could you or someone else mark it on the photo or explain where to find it? Many thanks!
Given the visible characters, my guess is
Phaonia scutellata, but I can't be sure.
The "Phaonia bristle" is the strong posterodorsal seta on apical third of hind tibia.
Hello, Stephane!
Stephane Lebrun wrote:
Given the visible characters, my guess is Phaonia scutellata, but I can't be sure.
The "Phaonia bristle" is the strong posterodorsal seta on apical third of hind tibia.
Many thanks! But I must admit that I still can't see an especially strong bristle on the hind tibia on pic #2
. I see many bristles on all femurs, but no special on the tibia... Or is it the one marked with an arrow? Does it belong to the tibia?
I have to correct my guess : I think it is
Phaonia tuguriorum rather than P. scutellata judging by the frons width.
The "Phaonia bristle" is above the one you marked (wich is an apical bristle on t3). I marked it in blue.
Hello, Stephane!
Stephane Lebrun wrote:
I have to correct my guess : I think it is Phaonia tuguriorum rather than P. scutellata judging by the frons width.
The "Phaonia bristle" is above the one you marked (wich is an apical bristle on t3). I marked it in blue.
Thanks again! Now it is clear.