Dear Colleagues:
I gladly inform you that the 6th issue of the second volume of "UkrEntFau" is published today.
1. Klymenko, S.I. Key to entomophagous species associated with phytophagous gall wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) on herbs and shrubs in the south of Ukraine. [2(6): 1-12]
2. Simutnik, S.A. & Vasylieva, J.S. New records of encyrtid wasps of the genus Agekianella (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) in the faunas of Israel and Ukraine. [2(6): 13-14]
3. Gharajedaghi, Y., Khaghaninia, S., Mohamadzade Namin, S. Flies of the tribe Tephritini (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Ajabshir Region (East Azerbaijan Province), with new records for Iranian fauna. [2(6): 15-18]
We wish you all a Happy New Year!
Valery A. Korneyev aka Nosferatumyia