World Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae): a comprehensive revision of the taxonomic and geogrpahical inventory [2009]
Peter H. Adler & Roger W. Crosskey
Available only via the internet at the following URL:
The inventory covers information known to have been published before 1 January 2009, and includes more than 2,000 formally named species listed as valid, plus all synonyms and vernacular names, as well as incorrect spellings and misidentifications, along with the countries (and often finer scales) of distribution.
The authors would appreciate new information and corrections for the forthcoming 2010 revision.
Peter H. Adler
Division of Entomology
Clemson University
Box 340315, 114 Long Hall
Clemson, SC 29634-0315 USA
office phone: 864-656-5044
FAX: 864-656-5069